2024 Cross-Country


MSCIAA Contacts
India Weaver
Office: (901) 416- 7470

Priscilla Jeffries 
Office: (901) 416-9944

General XC Questions

Meet Director

Carl Bowie: (901) 503-7189



 Important Dates






July 29

TSSAA First Practice Date

4:00 pm


August 7

MSCIAA Coaches Meeting

4:00 PM


August 19

TSSAA First Contest Date/Deadline to File Eligibility & Schedules on TSSAA portal


TSSAA Portal

August 22

Complete MSCIAA Registration (NOT A REAL MEET)

11:59 pm


August 23

Mandatory Registration Make-Up

3:30 pm


September 9

Team Packet Pick-Up

9:00 am to 4:00 pm


September 10

Team Packet Pick-Up (Last Opportunity)

9:00 am to 12:00 pm


September 12

MSCIAA Meet #1

5:00 pm

Shelby Farms

September 19

MSCIAA Meet #2

5:00 pm

Shelby Farms

September 23

Deadline to add additional runners

12:00 noon


September 26

MSCIAA Meet #3

5:00 PM

Shelby Farms

October 15

MSCIAA AAA Championship

3:30 pm

Shelby Farms

October 15

MSCIAA A-AA Championship

4:30 pm

Shelby Farms
NEW: Admission $5

October (TBA)

TSSAA Regionals – Region 8 – Class A/AA



October (TBA)

TSSAA Regionals – Region 8 – Class AAA



October 31

Deadline to Return Chips

4:00 PM


November 2nd

TSSAA Regionals Must be Completed



November 7-8th




MSCIAA XC Meet Information & Requirements


  • Teams MUST submit their entire roster for the season by entering the MSCIAA Registration meet on tn.milesplit.com. This is not an actual meet! Failure to register on time will result in a mandatory registration meeting at the MSCIAA office. Missing the meeting could result in forfeiting the entire XC season. Meeting is ONLY mandatory if you did not register by the deadline.
  • You must pick up your team packets at the MSCIAA office on the designated date. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PICK UP AT THE RACE.


  • Teams must attend at least 2 regular season MSCIAA cross country meets. The Championship (10/15) is also MANDATORY. Failure to attend 2 regular season meets and/or the MSCIAA Championship meet will result in a fine.
  • Teams may enter any races hosted by entities outside of MSCIAA. Maximum number of regular season meets is 11 including the MSCIAA Championship. Search https://tn.milesplit.com/ to find meets.
  • Unlimited entries per school are permitted at the regular season meets.
  • For the MSCIAA Championship there is a maximum of 7 participants per team.
  • If a team does NOT register and still attends, the team will not be allowed to run.
  • All races will be electronically timed. Results will be emailed to coaches following the meet. Coaches will have 24 hours to dispute the results. Disputes must be sent to the MSCIAA in writing to be considered. After 24 hours, the final results will be posted to TN Milesplit.
  • No chips will be assigned at any meets. Runners showing up to a meet without their chip will not be allowed to run.
  • Races will start at 5:00 pm sharp. Coaches must check in by 4:30pm and allow athletes time for proper warm up. Boys will run in the first wave at 5:00pm, and girls in the second wave starting at approximately 5:30pm.
  • Deadline to add additional runners (not previously registered) is September 23rd at noon.
  • If a chip needs to be replaced or you need an additional one for a new runner (before the deadline), email Tongela Taylor ( ) by noon on the Monday before the meet. Chips will not be replaced at any meet. Replacement chips are subject to a $25 fine per chip.


  • Schools will be given timing chips for the entire season and must return them after the Championship.
  • If shoe tags are lost, stolen, broken, or not turned in, schools are subject to a $25.00 fee per missing/damaged tag.

General Cross Country Information

General Regulations

Length of Course: The Cross-Country courses will be 5k meters in distance for boys and girls. Rules governing Cross Country shall be those as published by the National Federation of High School Associations in the Track and Field Rulebook.

Regional Meets: At the regional cross-country meets each year, the coaches involved shall select the site of the following year’s regional cross country meet and the director. The Class A-AA & Class AAA teams (as determined by classification) will be scored as two separate cross country meets.

Teams: A team will consist of a minimum of five and a maximum of seven runners. However, if a school does not have a team it may enter less than five runners in the individual division of the meet. No school shall enter more than seven participants in the Regional Cross-Country Meet. Three alternates may be listed on the entrance form.

Uniforms: All uniforms must follow the NFHS Rules. The referee will warn every participant prior to the meet that they must compete in a legal uniform, and if a contestant competes in an illegal uniform, then that contestant is disqualified from that event. There are no team warnings or individual warnings after the meet begins. Officials should use preventative officiating as much as possible.

Eligibility List: Eligibility List and schedule must be submitted in the TSSAA Portal before the first contest date of Fall Sports.

Athlete Requirements: Participants must have signed physicals and required forms on file at the school prior to their first practice.

1. Athlete's Health Record revised 2023

Page 1 - Emergency Contact Information

Page 2 - Informed Consent & Assumption of Risk

Page 3 - COVID-19 Informed Consent & Risk Acknowledgment Statement

2. Physician Signature (providing clearance, may be located on p.1 of the Athlete Health Record) - Physicals must be dated APRIL 15th or later.

3. Signed Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information Sheet revised 2023

4. Signed & Initialed Concussion Information Sheet

Need to confirm that you have all the required documents? Use this tracking sheet to check off that each participating athlete has all components of the Athletic Health Record- Athlete Health Record Tracking Sheet

Coaches Requirements

1. Current CPR/First Aid Certification (must be from an in-person, hands-on course). MSCS offers free classes which can be found in the PLZ. Please contact the MSCIAA office for other course instructor recommendations.

2. Course Certificate - NFHS Coaches Training Free Course: Concussions in Sports (done yearly)

3. Course Certificate - NFHS Coaches Training Free Course: Sudden Cardiac Arrest (done yearly)

4. Course Certificate-NFHS Coaches Training Free Course: COVID-19 for Coaches and Administrators (done once)

5. MSCS COVID-19 Safe Schools Training: MSCS COVID-19 Training (done once)

6. Signed Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information Sheet (for Coaches) (done yearly)

7. Signed Concussion Information & Signature Form (for Coaches) (done yearly)

8. Emergency Action Plan (done yearly)

9. NFHS Coaches Training Free Course Heat Illness Prevention (done yearly)

10. Allergy/Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan Instruction Video, Policy and Resources, Training Video (done yearly as long as you have a student in this category)

11. MSCIAA Required PD course 24-25 The Collapsed Student (new course added each year)

Click Here for: Coaches Required Information Sheets #6 and #7.







Bluff City

Manassas High


Bolton High



Booker T. Washington

Middle College High


City University School

Mitchell High



MLK Prep


Craigmont High



Crosstown High School

PCA High


Douglass High

Raleigh-Egypt High


East High

Ridgeway High


Fairley High



Hamilton High

Trezevant High



University High


Kirby High

Wooddale High


Memphis Rise










Cordova High

Germantown High

Southwind High

White Station High

Whitehaven High

Overton High

Central High

Kingsbury High