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Results: Meet results posted under Quick Links to the left


General Information

Meet Official:  Cynthia Dickerson email: phone: (901) 237-7645

MSCIAA Swim Coordinator: Kai Washington email:; phone: (731) 402-1375

Eligibility: 9th-12th graders.

Rosters: Please submit swim rosters via email to the Meet Official before the 1st swim meet. Rosters should include each swimmer's full name, year in school and gender. If you add additional swimmers after the start of the season, please email those additions prior to the 2nd meet.



There will be 5 meets in a season including the championship meet. All regular meets and championship meets will be scored.

All Meets start at 4:30pm Warm ups begin 30 minutes prior to the start.

Facilities: Meets will be held at either Hickory Hill Aquatic Center [3910 Ridgeway Rd. (901-578-3732)] or Bickford Aquatic Center [235 Henry Ave. (901-566-9685)]. Hickory Hill is a 4-lane, 25-yard pool and Bickford is a 6-lane, 25-yard pool.

Regular Meets & MSCIAA Championship Formats: Order of Events

Format "A" and Format "B" alternates each week.

Event Limit: Swimmers may compete in 2 individual events and 2 relays. Swimmers may not swim 3 individual events and 1 relay. Regular meets will limit each school to 3 swimmers per individual event.

Event 31 Mixed Gender Relay: Must consist of 2 boys and 2 girls

Practices: Coaches coordinate their own practice times and locations with their team. Available locations for practice are Hickory Hill Aquatic Center [3910 Ridgeway Rd. (901-578-3732)] and  Bickford Aquatic Center [235 Henry Ave. (901-566-9685)]. Lanes are open based on availability, must have a swim card to utilize, contact the Aquatic Centers to inquire.

Entries: Entries must be submitted no later than 5pm the Friday before the meet to the Meet Official. Late entries will not be accepted.

Completed heat sheets will be emailed to coaches for corrections the day before the meet.  Please check your email and report any errors. No changes will be made the day of the meet.

Meet Entry Form

Time: Meets begin at 4:30pm.  Warm-ups begin 30 minutes prior to the start of the meet. Starter, timers and officials will report to their stations 10 minutes prior to the start of the meet.

Scoring: 8 places will score with points 9, 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 .  Relays score double.  All events are scored as timed finals.  Each school can only score points for 3 swimmers per individual event and "A" relays per event.

Event Card All swimmers must have a card completed for each of their events. Swimmers will hand them to the timers at their lane.

MSCIAA Championship Meet

In order to participate in the MSCIAA Championship meet, a swimmer must have competed in at least two weekly meets during the swimming season.  An athlete can only be entered in events that he or she earned a recorded time during the current swimming season.

Schools may enter no more than 3 swimmers per individual event and 2 relays per event in the MSCIAA Championship meet

MSCIAA Championship Coaches Meeting:  Information will be sent out via email from the Meet Official.

Safety Rules and Regulations:

Facility and Swim safety policies are designed to minimize the risk of injury. Rules and regulations will be published for the coaches like the warm-up procedures. The facility used to for the competitions will govern the use of facility rules and regulations.


Supervision, using qualified coaches, workers, and volunteers will provide the best standard of care. Coaches, meet officials, and meet workers should be active in enforcing rules and regulations. The meet director should act as the liaison between the facility manager in communicating individual safety measures.


Coaches MUST be First Aid and CPR certified and have completed all coaching requirements.

Safety Inspections:

The rental facility will complete inspections the morning of a scheduled meet. Upon arrival, the meet official will be responsible for identifying any safety hazard at the facilities and reporting faulty equipment or facility dangers. Any abnormalities will be brought to the facility's attention who will be responsible for removing faulty equipment and/or roping off dangerous areas.

Emergency Procedures:

Key Components will be:

  • Communication to emergency professionals by the meet director cell phone or facility phone
  • Rescue equipment (i.e. backboards, hook, 1st Aid Kit)  will be easily accessible and will meet the needs for the event
  • Facility accessibility will be checked for ease of emergency personnel entering the facility


Hazard Identification:

The meet director will be responsible for evaluating the facility for potential problems

  • Assure proper signs are posted for exits, no glass, no smoking, etc.
  • Assign a safety marshal for warm-ups
  • Establish safe warm-up procedures
  • Assure the 1st Aid Kit is well stocked and available
  • Contact information listed for emergency personnel (Fire Dept., Police Dept., Facility Manager, etc.)


Spectator Designated Areas:

Spectators will be limited to observing the meet from the sides of the pool and are not to be allowed in the immediate deck area surrounding the pool

Meet Guide:

Responsibilities of the coach during warm-ups and the meet competition is to monitor their swimmers for the following:

  • Make sure swimmers behave in a safe manner (no running or rough housing)
  • During general warm-ups, make sure swimmers enter the water feet first from the starting end. Swimmers should NOT be entering from the end where there are no blocks during warm-ups.
  • Swimmers should not dive off block if they do not know how

There is ABSOLUTELY NO DIVING during warm-ups, which will be reserved for starting practice.

  • If a warm-up area is dangerously crowded, alert the meet director
  • Use appropriate language at all times
  • Make sure lanes are cleared before beginning practice
  • Your role is to help maintain a safe environment, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION! Coaches should maintain as much contact with their swimmers, verbal and visual, as possible.
  • Have swimmers remove jewelry before the meet.