Middle School Soccer 

All scheduling, referee and general questions: 
Mark Herrington Cell:901-674-4478
Email: mherrington@refereeinmemphis.com ;

MSCIAA events and athletic policy questions:  
Kai Washington Cell: 731-402-1375
Email: washingtonkd@scsk12.org ;

Important Dates 

Jan 27
First Practice Date 

Jan 28

Preseason Meeting 4pm, MSCIAA

Mar 3

First Contest

April 23 

MSCIAA Championship

April 24 

TMSAA Sectional First Round


TMSAA Soccer Rules

MERCY RULE: The clock shall run continuously except for heat time outs and injuries once a 5 goal differential has been established. The clock will continue to run for the remainder of the game if the goal differential falls below 5. If a 9 goal differential has been reached at halftime or at any time during the 2nd half, the game shall be terminated. 

GAME TIME: All matches will start at 5:00pm. We will play (2) 30-minute halves with a 10-minute half. 

INCLEMENT WEATHER: The home team is responsible for calling the MSCIAA office and the referee assigning agent no later than 11:00am.  The referee will be in charge for making the call regarding lightning safety.  They will follow TSSAA policy which is "See it flee it, hear it clear it". If any lightning is seen or thunder heard you should immediately clear the playing area and find a safe structure to wait. 

OFFICIAL’S FEES: The referee shall be paid $75 each for a 2-man game, and $85 for a single referee.  The home team that is listed on the schedule is responsible for paying the official/officials.  The officials will call the home school to confirm all games by 11am on the day of the game. 

OFFICIAL’S ASSIGNING AGENT: Email Mark Herrington at

SITES/LOCATION: For site assignments and/or changes, please call Park Services (city parks fields only) 767-4580, or 636-5580 (Office), and Mark Herrington (all other locations) 901-674-4478 (Cell). 


  • Each player must have a completed and signed physical, concussion information form and sudden cardiac arrest form, evidence of which must be on file at each school before the student-athlete can participate in practice, try-outs or a competitive contest. Additionally, an assumption of Risk, emergency contact information and informed consent forms must also accompany the physical. The Athlete Health Record includes those 3 requirements on 1 form. 

  • All student-athletes must be listed on the TSSAA eligibility form. The last day to submit Eligibility forms is the First TSSAA Official Day of Contest. 

  • All teams must have a basic first aid kit, injury ice & bags, water, and a copy of each student-athlete’s emergency contact info accompany them to all competitions and practices.  All coaches must be CPR & First Aid certified. 

  • Contact the school Athletic Director for secondary insurance information. 

PLAYING RULES: The Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (TSSAA) rules will apply to all schools participating in Tennessee Middle School Athletic Association (TMSAA).  Refer to www.TSSAA.org for more details. 

NETS: It is the home team's responsibility to make sure that the goals have nets.  If you are the home team and playing at Cordova, Kirby, Melrose, Crump or Whitehaven Stadium, the nets are provided. The home team is responsible for the game ball, which must be size 5. 

AGE-RULE: No student-athlete shall be eligible to compete in the Tennessee Middle School Athletic Association during any school year, if the student-athlete turns 15 years of age on or before August 1 of that calendar year.

UNIFORMS: The home team shall wear white or light color jersey.  All players must wear age appropriate shin guards that are not tampered with and (NOCSAE) approved.  This must be stamped on the shinguard itself, not a tag. Goalkeepers must wear a different color uniform. 


Corner flags are required for all fields. Schools using turf fields can sign out corner flags for their games through the MSCIAA office. Schools will be responsible for replacement of these items if damaged or not returned. 



A)    Divisional winners will be determined by the following 4-point system.  Only divisional game will used to determine divisional winners. 

        a)    Win-3 points 

        b)    Ties-1 point 

        c)     Loss-0 points 

B)    Forfeit is scored as a 3-0 loss and the opposing team will be awarded 3-points. 

C)    If teams are tied, rule (2) will be used to break the tie. 


D)    To determine divisional winners and seed for the championship. 

       a)     Winner of head-head competition. 

       b)     Highest goal differential- goals for minus goals against with a (maximum 3 goals per game). 

       c)     Least total goals allowed (maximum) 3 goals per game). 

       d)    Most shutouts 

       e)     Most goals scored 

        f)      Penalty kicks 

MSCIAA CHAMPIONSHIP/PLAYOFF: The top two teams from each division will advance to compete in the semi-final game with the winners advancing to play in the MSCIAA Championship.  The home team designation will go to the highest seeded team. 

REPORTING SCORES: The winners of each match during the regular season are required to report the score via e-mail or sciaa.org no later noon the next day.  This will help to keep track of standings, seed everyone prior to the championship meeting and to update the points system on a weekly basis. Every school will be a given a login to enter scores on the website.   


Each team is responsible for rescheduling any missed divisional games due to inclement weather.  These changes must be emailed to Kai Washington, Mark Herrington and Park Services if you use park fields. The home team is responsible for notifying the visiting school no later than 11:00am on game day.  This will enable the visiting school to cancel their bus without penalty.   The rescheduled game must be agreed upon by both schools.  You must reschedule your divisional games within three days of the original date.   


MSCIAA Soccer Coordinator:  Kai Washington- 731-402-1375 (cell), washingtonkd@scsk12.org ;

Assigning Agent:  Mark Herrington-674-4478 (cell), mherrington@refereeinmemphis.com ;

Park Service:  636-5580 (Office)